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Los Angeles Whistleblower Lawyer

Whistleblower claims and Qui Tam lawsuits can be difficult to understand. At their core, whistleblower claims and qui tam are about employees who have been wrongfully fired or suffered some other form of retaliation for trying to do the right thing. If you believe that you have been wrongfully fired from your job or suffered retaliation because you tried to speak up about wrongdoing, it is important to speak with an experienced California whistleblower lawyer as soon as possible.

Whistleblower Lawyer | Ready to Fight for You

Whistleblower claims and qui tam lawsuits can be difficult to navigate on your own. The process of filing a whistleblower claim or qui tam lawsuit can be daunting, especially if you don’t have any legal experience. An experienced Los Angeles County employment lawyer at RD Law Group can assist you in filing a whistleblower claim or qui tam lawsuit and help ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible.

How to Deal with Whistleblowing Retaliation from Your Company

Whistleblowing is the act of revealing illegal or unethical behavior by a person in a position of authority at work. An employee who becomes a whistleblower often faces retaliation from their employers, including termination and blacklisting.
There are whistleblower protections in place to help protect whistleblowers from retaliation. You may want to speak with an employment lawyer if you have been fired, blacklisted, or otherwise retaliated against for whistleblowing. The California whistleblower protection laws offer some of the strongest whistleblower protections in the country.

Common Questions for Whistleblower Claims and Qui Tam Claims

What is a qui tam lawsuit?

Qui tam lawsuits are filed by whistleblowers who have knowledge of fraud being committed against the government. The whistleblower, or qui tam plaintiff, sues on behalf of the government and shares in any recovery. Qui tam lawsuits can be brought in California or any other state. If you have been retaliated against for filing a qui tam lawsuit, you need an employment lawyer to protect your rights.

How do I safely file a qui tam lawsuit?

Qui tam lawsuits are a powerful way to hold companies accountable for fraud and other illegal activities, but they can also be risky. Qui tam lawsuits are filed by whistleblowers who know of fraudulent or illegal activity occurring within a company. If you’re considering filing a qui tam lawsuit, it’s important to understand the risks involved and how to protect yourself.

A top employment lawyer at RD Law Group can help guide you through the process and advise you on whether or not filing a qui tam lawsuit is the right decision for you. If you are retaliated against for filing a qui tam lawsuit, contact us immediately for help and guidance.

If you report an unsafe environment at your workplace, is this considered a whistleblower claim?

Yes, if you report an unsafe environment at your workplace, this would be considered a whistleblower claim. Whistleblower protections are in place to protect employees who report unsafe or illegal working conditions.

This could include many different circumstances, such as unsafe or unhealthy conditions at your workplace, asbestos exposure, unclean air, unsafe water, food safety, and more. Private companies, publicly traded companies, or state and federal agencies are subject to laws regulating toxic work environments. Some industries are subject to higher and specific regulations. If you are retaliated against for reporting an unsafe work environment, you may have a valid whistleblower claim.

If you work for a government agency, can you report misconduct?

Yes, government employees can report misconduct. They are protected from retaliation under whistleblower laws. However, it depends on where, exactly, you work. If you work for the California state government, then you would make your report to the California state auditor. On the other hand, if you work for the federal government, then you would make your report to the U.S. Office of Special Counsel and the Office of Inspector General of any unsafe workplace conditions.

How much compensation could I collect if I file and win a qui tam action?

“Qui tam,” which directly translates to “in the name of the king,” is a special type of whistleblower claim under the False Claims Act. A qui tam action is where you are can sue your employer for committing fraud against the federal government. If you are successful in your case, then you get to keep a percentage of the damages against the government, usually between 15% and 30% of the total received after settlement or trial.

Contact a Whistleblower Lawyer Today

If you think you have a claim to file against your employer for an unsafe work environment, violation of law, or fraud against the government, we are here to help. One of our top employment law attorneys will listen to your situation and inform you of your options for filing an action. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means we only get paid when you get paid. And if there is no recovery, there are no attorney fees. Contact RD Law Group for help today.

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