At RD Law Group our top California Employment Lawyers are here to help you through your employee problem. Learn how we helped our client Markus T., a 31-year-old male, who worked as a technician in Sherman Oaks.
He was being subjected to racial slurs and verbal abuse at work daily. Markus was dealing with a hostile work environment, and none of his supervisors were taking it seriously.
Markus was ultimately fired for complaining too much. We’re so glad that he contacted RD Law Group. We went to work immediately on his case and won big.
Read more below about Markus’s “California Race Discrimination” Case.
Case Type: Race Discrimination
Name: Markus T.
Age: 31
Employment: 8 months
Claimant Information
Our client Markus, a 31-year-old male, worked as a technician in a shop in Sherman Oaks, CA. His immediate supervisor regularly belittled and demeaned him because of his race. The treatment that Plaintiff did receive was clearly due to his race because Jim did not treat other Caucasian employees in a similar manner.
Markus complained frequently but, nothing was ever done to fix his complaints. Rather, his boss refused to discipline or control his supervisor and was told not to take it personally. Shortly after complaining to the owner, our client was terminated for not meeting work deadlines even though other employees were not reprimanded for similar mistakes.
RD Law Group Resolution
When Marcus contacted RD Law Group we went to work immediately. We investigated his situation, looked at his evidence, and decided to pursue a race discrimination claim on his behalf.
We proved that the company Marcus worked for failed to address the pervasive and unmitigated race discrimination and disparate treatment towards employees of color. We reached out to other former employees who witnessed the same behavior. After months of back and forth, RD Law Group was able to get out client compensated based on race discrimination and wrongful termination of his job.