At RD Law Group our top California Employment Lawyers are here to help you through your employee problem. Learn how we helped our client Marie S., a 33-year-old woman, who worked at a local clothing manufacturing company.
She was being subjected to sexual harassment at work on a daily basis. Marie needed her job and kept accepting the harassment at work because she did not want to get fired. Once the harassment from her boss became too much to endure, she contacted RD Law Group. We told Marie exactly what to do, and we handled the rest.
Case Type: Sexual Harassment
Name: Marie S.
Age: 33
Employment: 6 months
Claimant Information
Marie, a 33-year-old white female, working at a local clothing manufacturing plant was being subjected daily to sexual harassment. This created a hostile working environment. Her direct manager regularly made inappropriate sexual comments about her appearance, clothing and about her cleavage which created a very uncomfortable and unsafe work environment. Her manager also made frequent comments about having sexual relations with our client. The final straw was her manager physically slapped her buttocks at work multiple times. Marie did the correct thing and complained to upper management, but they did nothing to fix the problem. After our client complained to upper management her hours were cut at work. Then shortly thereafter, our client was fired from her job for being late.
RD Law Group Resolution
When we reviewed the facts and circumstances surrounding this Sexual Harassment claim, we realized that Marie’s rights had not been protected by her employer. We found that her employer had failed to comply with numerous California Labor Laws. The evidence that our client provided included inappropriate text messages from her manager making sexual advances as well as emails complaining to management about the sexual advances. We built a strong case against the employer and won a significant settlement for our client.