Every day, workers over the age of 40 are impacted by age discrimination in the workplace. That said, if you believe you are a victim of age discrimination, you likely have a path to legal recourse. Please continue reading and reach out to a Los Angeles age discrimination lawyer from RD Law Group to learn more about how we can help you get the justice you deserve. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What Qualifies as Age Discrimination?
Age discrimination occurs when an employer treats an employee or a job applicant less favorably because of their age. The federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) both prohibit discrimination against workers who are 40 years old or older. These laws apply to employers with 20 or more employees (for the ADEA) or 5 or more employees (for the FEHA).
Age-based discrimination can take many forms, such as:
- Termination
- Demotion
- Reduction in salary
- Denial of promotion
- Denial of training opportunities
- Harassment
- Retaliation
This type of discrimination can also be subtle or indirect, such as:
- Replacing older workers with younger ones
- Giving negative performance reviews based on age-related stereotypes
- Excluding older workers from important meetings or projects
- Making age-related jokes or comments
- Forcing older workers to retire or quit
What should I do if I was discriminated against due to my age?
If you believe your employer or co-workers have discriminated against you due to your age, the first step you should take is to document the incident(s) of discrimination or harassment. From there, you should notify your supervisor, employer, or your company’s HR department. You should also ensure that you retain the services of a seasoned California employment lawyer who can help you file a discrimination claim either with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), which are the agencies that enforce the federal and state laws against workplace discrimination.
Importantly, you must act sooner, rather than later, as you will only have 300 days to file a claim with the EEOC, and up to three years with the DFEH. As long as you file your claim timely and we successfully prove you are a victim of discrimination in the workplace, you should receive compensation for the economic and non-economic damages you’ve incurred as a result of the discrimination. This can include back pay, emotional trauma, lost wages, and more.
If you have any further questions about age discrimination in the workplace or you’re looking to file a discrimination claim, simply contact RD Law Group today.