
Recently, the Supreme Court issued a ruling that provides further protections for employees seeking religious accommodations. Please continue reading and reach out to a seasoned Los Angeles religion discrimination lawyer from RD Law Group to learn more about the ruling, how it may affect you, and how we can help if you believe you’ve been unlawfully discriminated against in the workplace due to seeking a religious accommodation. Here are some of the questions you may have:

What was the recent Supreme Court ruling?

The Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision that strengthens the protections for workers who ask for religious accommodations in the workplace. The case involved a Christian mail carrier who sued the Postal Service for refusing to accommodate his request to not work on Sundays. The court sided with the employee and ruled that for an employer to lawfully refuse a religious accommodation, they must prove that granting the accommodation would result in substantially increased costs to the business, such as greatly compromising safety or productivity–not just minor costs.

How is a religious accommodation defined under the law?

A religious accommodation is defined as a change or exception to an employment policy that allows an employee to observe their religious beliefs or practices. For example, an employee may ask for a schedule change, a leave of absence, or an exemption from a dress code or grooming policy to accommodate their religious observance. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act states that employers must provide reasonable religious accommodations to employees, and if they refuse to do so, they are likely in violation of the law.

How broad in scope is the Supreme Court ruling?

Importantly, the ruling does not guarantee that every request for a religious accommodation will be granted; employers may still deny requests that would impose an undue hardship, as long as they can justify their decision with evidence of substantial increased costs or burdens.

The ruling also does not provide clear guidance on how to measure and compare the costs and benefits of accommodating religious requests in different contexts and industries. For example, employers will have to weigh how much it costs to hire a substitute worker, adjust a schedule, or modify a uniform, versus determining that the request will cause their business undue hardship and refusing to accommodate an employee.

In any case, if you believe that your employer has discriminated against you based on your religion, or has failed to provide you with a reasonable accommodation for your religious practices, you may have a valid claim against your employer. A Los Angeles employment attorney from RD Law Group can assess the circumstances of your case, gather evidence that proves you were discriminated against, and file a claim on your behalf. We’ve fought to protect the religious liberty of employees in California for years, and we are here to fight for you as well. Contact us today so we can get started working on your case.