You probably expect your workplace to treat everyone the same, but sometimes employers treat people drastically differently than their coworkers. Sometimes this poor treatment rises to the level of workplace discrimination. If you suspect that you are the victim of discrimination, you have options. We recommend reporting the bad behavior with the help of a Los Angeles employment discrimination lawyer.
Who is Protected From Workplace Discrimination?
Just about everyone is protected from workplace discrimination because there are certain qualities that no employer is supposed to use against employees or potential employees no matter what situation they find themselves in. The state and federal governments forbid an employer from discriminating based on qualities like:
- Race
- Disability
- Religion
- Gender
- Age
- National origin
Essentially, if it is something that an employee cannot control, an employer has no business basing any of their behavior towards that employee on that quality.
What Can Be Considered Workplace Discrimination?
Workplace discrimination is often a pattern. If you try to report an off-hand comment or an employee that is occasionally rude, that probably is not going to get much traction. There is usually a pattern of behavior and comments that makes a worker feel unwelcome in their own workplace. At the same time, workplace discrimination could manifest in the way that the employer gives out:
- Raises
- Training opportunities
- Promotions
- Any other new opportunities, benefits, or privileges
Of course, demotions and firings could also be discriminatory. A workplace could also engage in discrimination if it lets bias about race, sexual orientation, or anything else influence hiring decisions.
Where Do I Report Workplace Discrimination?
You have two options in California. You can submit a complaint to a federal agency, the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission. The EEOC can then decide whether or not to investigate your employer based on the strength of your complaint.
California has plenty of its own employee protections though. So, if you prefer, you can report the issue to the state instead. The California Civil Rights Department would end up investigating your claim. They can then order you and an employer to go to mediation to try to work things out before a lawsuit is filed.
Do I Need a Lawyer?
You are not required to hire a lawyer, but having one on your side when you make a complaint can be helpful. An attorney can come at this from a neutral place and help you figure out the best way to present your case to state or federal regulators. You may only have one chance to make a compelling argument, and our firm can help you make a complaint that is convincing.
Contact Our Law Firm
If you believe that you have been discriminated against in the workplace, do not fight back on your own. Contact RD Law Group and tell us more about what you have experienced. Our attorneys would be happy to help you make things right.