If you work in an industry that involves potential hazards to your health and safety, you may be familiar with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). OSHA is a federal agency that sets and enforces standards to protect workers from serious injuries and illnesses on the job. As a worker, you have the right to report any violation of OSHA standards that you witness or experience in your workplace. You may also request an OSHA inspection if you believe there is a serious hazard or if your employer is not following the rules set out by OSHA. That being said, if you report a safety hazard in the workplace and are retaliated against by your employer, you may wonder what your rights are and how a Los Angeles employment lawyer can help. Read on and contact RD Law Group to learn more about some of the most common OSHA violations and how our firm can assist you if you’ve been retaliated against for reporting such a violation. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What are some of the most common types of OSHA violations?
Some of the most common types of OSHA violations that our firm sees are as follows:
- Building code violations
- Unsafe scaffolding or ladders
- Inadequate respiratory protections
- Negligent record-keeping
- Inadequate control of toxic chemicals
- Inadequate control of hazardous energy
- Fire safety violations
It’s important to understand that as an employee, reporting OSHA violations is not only your right, but also your duty. By reporting an OSHA violation, you could potentially save a life. Unfortunately, however, employers don’t always see it this way, and sometimes, they will retaliate against their employees for reporting unsafe working conditions. If you are retaliated against in any way, you should speak with an employment lawyer who can inform you of your rights, determine whether you have a claim, and, from there, fight for the best outcome possible on your behalf.
What are some of the most common examples of retaliation in the workplace?
Some of the most common examples of retaliation for reporting certain OSHA violations in the workplace are as follows:
- Getting fired or laid off
- Being demoted
- Being denied a promotion
- Reducing pay or hours
- Denying certain benefits
- Being intimidated or harassed
- Being reassigned or transferred to a less favorable position
- Any other action that affects your employment status or prospects
If you suspect you have been subjected to retaliation for reporting an OSHA violation, you have the right to file a complaint with OSHA within 30 days of the alleged retaliation, but you mustn’t do so without a competent attorney in your corner. Once you hire an attorney and file your OSHA claim, OSHA will conduct an investigation of your complaint and may order your employer to reinstate you, pay back wages, restore benefits, and provide other remedies.
RD Law Group is here to help you file your complaint, gather evidence, and, ultimately, negotiate a favorable settlement on your behalf. All you need to do is pick up the phone and give us a call or contact us online so we can get started working on your case.